sabato 31 ottobre 2015

Happiness can only be achieved by looking inward
and learning to enjoy whatever life has
and this requires transforming greed into gratitude.

St. John Chrysostom

mercoledì 28 ottobre 2015

Sometimes when you are in a dark place,
you think you have been buried,
but have actually been planted.

martedì 27 ottobre 2015

One of the marks of excellent people is
that they never compare themselves with others.
They only compare themselves with themselves
and with their past accomplishments and future potential.

Brian Tracy

sabato 24 ottobre 2015

Don't think too much.
You will create a problem
that wasn't even there in the first place.

venerdì 23 ottobre 2015

Finally at the end of that long, rainy, glorious day,
I turned out the lights and fell into bed.
At first there was too great a buzz of things still to be done in my head,
but at last I could listen, first to the silence, and then, through it,
to the infinite number of sounds an old house contains in the night.
All these sounds together made the house feel like a ship.
I did not know where the ship would take me, but I knew it was snug and beautiful,
and I know that it's passenger was both inwards and outwards bound.

Mary Sarton

giovedì 22 ottobre 2015

After a while you learn the subtle difference between
holding a hand and chaining a soul
and you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
and company doesn't always mean security.

And you begin to learn that kisses aren't contracts
and presents aren't promises
and you begin to accept your defeats
with your head up and your eyes ahead
with the grace of woman, not the grief of a child.

And you learn to build all your roads on today
because tomorrow's ground is too uncertain for plans
and futures have a way of falling down in mid-flight.

After a while you learn that even sunshine burns if you get too much
so you plant your own garden and decorate your own soul
instead of waiting for someone to bring you flowers.

And you learn that you really can endure
you really are strong
you really do have worth
and you learn and you learn
with every goodbye, you learn...

Veronica A. Shoffstall

Kim Ji Hyuck

mercoledì 21 ottobre 2015

She is clothed with strength and dignity,
and she laughs without fear of the future.

Proverbs 31:25

martedì 20 ottobre 2015

promettimi che eviterai mediocri vie di mezzo
accomodanti e che non soddisfano
concilianti e che non ti appartengono
la fortuna abbraccia gli audaci e non è pura coincidenza

se avrai calma e lucidità
non subirai il fascino di comode scelte
se avrai buon senso e volontà
trascurerai l'abitudine per metterti in gioco

cambio stagione

sabato 17 ottobre 2015

domenica 4 ottobre 2015

A lot of the pain that we are dealing with
are really only thoughts.

Pure Thougths by Caroline Havers

venerdì 2 ottobre 2015

Ho sempre amato la vita.
Chi ama la vita non riesce mai
ad adeguarsi, subire, farsi comandare.

Oriana Fallaci

Tatyana Ilieva